Bachelor of Child Studies

Experiential Learning

Experiential learning is an essential component of the Bachelor of Child Studies degree. Practicum opportunities and capstone courses introduce students to a wide array of practice, agencies and skilled professionals. Graduates will have completed four community-based practica over the course of study, along with a capstone course. These practicum placements provide students with the opportunity to gain first-hand experience in their related discipline. The practicum is a place to begin learning from others and receive supervision in the development of core skills for competent early childhood education or child and youth care practice.

Child Development Lab

The Bachelor of Child Studies (BCST) offers a progressive approach to studies that focuses on children and youth. Mount Royal University's distinctive program emphasizes experiential learning in early learning and child and youth care.

Experiential learning is an essential component of the BCST. The Child Development Lab (CDL) is a vibrant experiential learning space where students and faculty can explore the child/youth setting. Through simulation and experiential learning, students can practice in a way that allows them to observe, reflect and develop their skills and theoretical knowledge. Learn more.

Bachelor of Child Studies Capstone Projects

Every year, experiential learning components within and beyond the classroom allow students to put theory into practice and gain valuable skills. A final year community-based capstone course bridges their learning into practice, preparing them for further studies or the workforce post-graduation.

Here are some of the innovative and impactful projects that our students have worked on over the past few years:

2022/23 Capstone Projects

Sootsiman — Life Long Learning

This fourth-year capstone course was the foundation upon which Bachelor of Child Studies students paved new paths of understanding and viewed their personal and professional practices through an Indigenous lens. The students worked on three projects in collaboration with their community partners, Wee Wild Ones Nature Inspired School (WWO) and WilderFutures Institute (WFI),  from September 2022-April 2023: Designing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) training modules for new staff; Creating an EDI toolkit for Calgary Businesses to use for staff professional development and; Developing online Community of Practice (CoP) sessions on EDI and Child Care Licensing for educators working in child care settings in Calgary. After reflection, BCST students made their own sootsiman in the RLLC's Maker and Media Commons. Read more.

Imagine Institute for Learning

Students worked with Imagine Institute for Learning to develop a curriculum and train the trainer model of a new program being offered to caregivers of children and youth. In this capstone, students explored relevant current literature and programs and identified gaps and a strategy for developing this training program. T.I.M.E is a unique program that focuses on Timely Interactions and Meaningful Engagement. The content of the program included the development of 3 podcasts and 3 'train the trainer' sessions focusing on themes of strengthening relationships with children and youth using connection, communication and self-regulation/self-care. In addition to the podcasts and training materials, 9 short 1-minute animated videos were developed to highlight key tips and information to be shared with participants and audience members. Program evaluation tools and marketing strategies were also developed for Imagine Institute as they offered this program to community members.