Community Gatherings


The monthly Circle meetups bring together innovators and founders, students and alumni, and inspiring guests to gather and grow.  


Why attend?

Whether you are pursuing an innovative career or starting a social enterprise or a for-profit business, you will benefit by learning from your peers and immersing yourself into a community of like-minded individuals. Community Gatherings are an opportunity to casually connect with both students, alumni and community members.


What to expect?

Community Gatherings have a no-pitch, no-sell policy. This is a fun and inspiring space to seek advice and to explore mutual and new connections. In doing so, we begin to see the abundance of knowledge remarkable Mount Royal students and alumni hold transfer from one individual to the next; from firm to firm; from community to community. Further, this community and its guests help you develop and refine the skills necessary for your future.


Stay tuned for upcoming events!