
The MRU Psychology Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee


The MRU Psychology EDI Committee has been formed to support, facilitate and provide resources toward an equitable, diverse and inclusive environment.  Follow us on Instagram @mrupsycedi or contact Tamara Jenkins (TJenkins@mtroyal.ca) for more information.

How to Report and Experience of Discrimination

You can report your experience to the Chair of the department, Nancy Ogden (nogden@mtroyal.ca), by setting up a face-to-face meeting or over email. You are always welcome to bring an advocate or support person with you to any meetings. 

Alternatively, you can report your experience to the Office of Safe Disclosure at MRU.

If you want to talk about your experience(s) and process them, Student Counselling is another option.

The Office of Student Experience can help you get connected to other supports on campus as well.


Mount Royal EDI Resources

Access and Inclusion Services

The Office of Safe Disclosure

MRU Early Support

Iniskim Centre

International Student Support Centre

MRU Peer Learning Program

SAMRU Pride Centre

SAMRU Peer Support Centre

SAMRU Student Advocacy Centre

Trico Changemakers Studio

Institute for Community Prosperity