Nick Strzalkowski

Nick Strzalkowski

Nick Strzalkowski

B.Sc. Human Kinetics (University of Guelph)
PhD. Neurophysiology (University of Guelph)
Postdoctoral fellowship Clinical Neuroscience (University of Calgary)

Position: Associate Professor

Office: B342 E

Phone: 403.440.5117



Dr. Nick Strzalkowski (he/him) is a neurophysiologist cross appointed in the Departments of Biology and General Education. Nick teaches courses on physiology, numeracy and scientific literacy. His research investigates the sensory control of human movement and balance in healthy and diseased populations, in different environmental conditions. He has worked with movement disorder patients, amputees, Tibetan/Sherpa at high altitude, astronauts, and healthy adults. Nick's scholarly interests also include the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL), specifically undergraduate science writing and literacy. Undergraduate students play an important role in all of Nick’s research and scholarship.  

Nick’s research profile and publications: