• Calgary Youth Orchestra
    Calgary Youth Orchestra

The Calgary Youth Orchestra (CYO) is the flagship orchestra in Mount Royal Conservatory's Orchestral Program.

Internationally recognized as one of Canada's leading youth orchestras, the CYO provides solid training in orchestral playing.  CYO alumni can be found in such world-renowned ensembles as the New York Philharmonic, the Cleveland Orchestra, the Boston Symphony Orchestra, as well as all major Canadian orchestras. The orchestra performs periodically in collaboration with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra, and since 1970 it has regularly toured internationally.

Along with Classical masterworks, the CYO’s repertoire often includes Light Classics, Jazz, Klezmer, Film music and other types of popular music.

Acceptance into the orchestra is by competitive audition early June each year and is open to students aged 14 to 24. Auditions for the 2024-25 season are now open. Applicants must fill out the CYO Audition Form and sign-up for an audition date and time using the links below. Auditions will take place between June 4th and June 12th, 2024. Please make sure you are aware of the audition requirements. 

Calgary Youth Orchestra Audition Requirements

CYO Audition Form

CYO Audition Date and Time Selection

Conductor: Edmond Agopian

Course CRN Day Date Time Room Fee
Calgary Youth Orchestra Saturday Sep. 14, 2024 - May 25, 2025 9:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ED2102 $975.00

The $975.00 is comprised of a $400.00 CYO Society Fee and $575.00 Tuition. 

Important Information for Next Season

The CYO will be performing at the renowned Orpheum Theater (home of the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra) on August 1, 2025 and on the Chilliwack Cultural Center Concert Series on August 2, 2025. This short tour, August 1, 2025 (morning departure) to August 3 (return) will be free of charge.

Flight bookings and hotel accommodation need to be confirmed a year in advance. In order to incentivise participation in the tour, a refundable deposit of $250 is to be made to the CYO Society upon acceptance. This deposit is refundable to all students who go on tour. Exceptions for not going on the tour, where the deposit would still be refundable, is acceptance to a summer music program or school program that overlaps with the tour dates, or summer employment with mandatory work between August 1 and 3. 

CYO alumni are also invited to join the tour at no cost, if there are spots available in the orchestra. For more information, please email cyo@mtroyal.ca

About CYO Fees

The Mount Royal Conservatory registration fee contributes to the Conservatory's cost for conductors, music library, music purchases, theatre services, secretarial support services, and many aspects of administration. The Calgary Youth Orchestra fee helps to pay for clinicians, the part-time Orchestra Manager, music rental, concert hall rentals, advertising and promotion. 

In cases of financial hardship, students are encouraged to apply for Conservatory Special Scholarships, which may cover all or part of the Conservatory fee. Additionally, please check with the Conservatory for payment options.

Members of the CYO for whom payment of the CYO fee is a financial burden should apply in writing, to the CYO Society President, c/o Po Yeh, Orchestra Manager, for consideration of a reduction or waiver of fees. All applications will be kept in the strictest confidence. 

For more information, please email cyo@mtroyal.ca



All students, new and returning, are required to audition for CYO. Please fill out the Audition Information Form linked above before selecting an audition time. If you have any questions or concerns regarding auditions, please contact Audition Assistant Aine Kay Sison at asiso421@mtroyal.ca for assistance.

Calgary Youth Orchestra Society

The CYO is supported by the Calgary Youth Orchestra Society, an independent not-for-profit society that works to provide enhanced performance opportunities for the orchestra. All CYO student members and their parents or guardians automatically become members of the Society.

CYO Member Information Form




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