Message from the Dean

Message from the Dean, Jonathan Withey


Jonathan Withey, Dean of Science and Technology

Welcome to the Faculty of Science and Technology at Mount Royal University, a vibrant community where curiosity and creativity lead the way. Our dedication to excellence in education is unwavering, and it is our goal to be the first choice for undergraduate students interested in studying science.

Across four departments, we offer a rich array of programs including a Bachelor of Computer Information Systems and a Bachelor of Science degree, with majors in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Data Science, Environmental Science, Geology, and General Science. Each program is designed to offer a stimulating, challenging, and personalized learning journey for students.

We use innovative teaching and learning strategies that not only convey the curriculum effectively but also breathe life into the subjects we are passionate about. Our faculty members are excellent educators and active researchers, committed to integrating their research with their teaching. Our programs are designed not just to answer questions but to inspire students to ask their own, driving them toward the discoveries that excite them the most.

We offer extensive opportunities for research, field, and work experiences. These experiences are invaluable, opening doors to new ideas and insights into the process of knowledge creation and application. They are often pivotal in shaping students' futures, offering them a unique advantage in their academic and professional pursuits.

We are dedicated to nurturing skills that ensure our students’ success in any future endeavour, whether that's at Mount Royal University, in further academic pursuits, or in advancing their careers. Our students, alumni, faculty, and staff are testament to this, leading change and making remarkable impacts, grounded in their education in science and technology.

As Dean, I am proud to support our faculty, staff, and students, and to collaborate with our community, as we forge the future of the Faculty of Science and Technology together. Join us in this exciting journey of learning, discovery, and innovation!


Jonathan M. Withey, DPhil
Dean, Faculty of Science and Technology