Kirk Niergarth, PhD
Associate Professor
Office: EA3189
Phone: 403-440-6760
Email: kniergarth@mtroyal.ca
PhD - University of New Brunswick (History)
MA - Memorial University of Newfoundland (History)
BEd - University of Ottawa
BA (Hon) - Queen's University
Main areas of scholarly interest and/or expertise:
Twentieth Century Canada, Visual Culture, Intellectual History, Labour History
Main areas of instruction at MRU:
HIST 1133 Modern Canada, 1867 to Present
CNST 1131 Introduction to Canadian Studies
HIST 2108 Gender History in Canada
HIST 2202 Historian's Craft
HIST 2322 History of the Canadian School
HIST 3306 Race and Immigration in Canadian History
HIST 4404 Topics in Canadian Social History: The Canadian Worker from Fur trade to E-Trade
HIST 4455 Canada in the Era of the Cold War
Current research interests:
Canadian visitors to the Soviet Union, 1920-1940
Select Publications:
'The Dignity of Every Human Being': New Brunswick Artists and Canadian Culture, 1930-1950 (University of Toronto Press, 2015).
"Gender and the Great Experiment: Soviet Women in Canadian Eyes, 1926-1936," Journal of Canadian Historical Association, 26.2 (Forthcoming 2016).
With J.L Black, "Revisiting the Canadian-Soviet barter proposal of 1932-1933: The Soviet perspective," International Journal 71.3 (Forthcoming 2016).
"'No Sense of Reality': George A. Drew's Anti-Communist Tour of the USSR and the campaign for National Government in Canada, 1937," Ontario History (Fall 2015), 213-239.
"Julia Crawford and the Rules of the Game," Journal of Canadian Art History, 34.2 (May 2014), 48-79.
"Memorial of War, Memorial of Hope: Contemplating the creation, destruction, and re-creation of Fred Ross' mural The Destruction of War, Rebuilding the World Through Education, 1948, 1954, and 2011," Labour/Le Travail, 72 (Fall 2013), 149-175.
"'What would he have us do?': Gender and the "Profession" of artist in New Brunswick in the 1930s and 1940s," Kristina Huneault and Janice Anderson, eds. Rethinking Professionalism: Essays on Women and Art in Canada (McGill-Queen's University Press, 2012), 55-82.
"North American Muralism, Cultural Nationalism and Canadian Art Discourse in the 1930s and 1940s," M. Fox and A. Nurse, Eds., Dynamics and Trajectories: Canada and North America (Fernwood, 2012).
"'This continent must belong to the white races': William Lyon Mackenzie King, Canadian diplomacy and immigration law, 1908." International History Review 32.4 (December 2010), 599-617.
"'Missionary for Culture': Walter Abell, Maritime Art, and Cultural Democracy, 1928-1944."Acadiensis 36.1 (Autumn 2006), 3-28.
"Art, Education, and a 'new world society': Joseph McCulley's Pickering College and Canadian Muralism, 1934-1950." Journal of Canadian Studies41.1 (January 2007), 172-201.