Peter Ryan

Public Relations, Associate Professor

Peter Ryan, PhD, APR
Public Relations, Associate Professor, and Assistant Chair of Information Design, Public Relations and Speech (Interim)

Dr. Peter Malachy Ryan (APR) has been with the Department of Public Relations at Mount Royal University (MRU) since July 2016. In Fall 2024, Peter will be teaching PUBR 3860: Government Public Relations, and in Winter 2025, he will be teaching the capstone for Public Relations program, PUBR 4851: Issues & Ethics in PR.

Peter is accredited in public relations (APR) through the Canadian Public Relations Society (CPRS), and is presently in his second term as the President of CPRS Calgary (July 2023 to July 2025). 
Peter is also on the Advisory Board for the Centre for Crisis and Risk Communication (CCRC). He is a frequent media commentator based on his professional and research interests, which include Canadian political communication, government public relations, digital research methods, and social media issues management. His co-authored research with Patrice Dutil earned the J.E. Hodgetts' award from the Institute of Public Administration (IPAC) for article of the year in 2013, and an innovative collaborative online project with CBC News' Susan Ormiston Online and Greg Elmer's Infoscape Research Lab earned the "Best Cross Platform Project" Gemini Award for their coverage of the 2008 Canadian federal election (note: the Gemini Awards are now known as the "Canada Screen Awards", since 2013).

You can follow Peter on X (formerly Twitter) @prnetworks.