SoTL in 60: Podcast Series
The SOTL in 60+ podcast series consisted of ten episodes recorded during the 2024 Symposium for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, which took place from November 7–9, 2024, in Banff, Alberta, Canada. The series was sponsored by the Mokakiiks Centre for Scholarship of Teaching and hosted by Sally Haney of Mount Royal University.
Session 1: Emma Duke and Linh Bui (MRU students), interviewed by Sally Haney
Mount Royal University broadcasting alum Emma Duke and her research partner, marketing student Linh Bui provide keen insights about students as partners.
Length: 8 mins
Session 2: Jessica Legacy (Red Deer Polytechnic) and Jay Wilson (University of Saskatchewan) interviewed by Sally Haney
Jessica Legacy and Jay Wilson discuss the legitimacy of teaching and SoTL research in higher education. Keynote speaker Sarah Bunnell's talk on SoTL principles as Leadership principles resonated in this conversation.
Length: 7 mins
Session 3: Leda Stawnychko (MRU), interviewed by Sally Haney
In Session 3, the Banff SoTL Symposium podcast series features academic leadership scholar Leda Stawnychko from Mount Royal University. She dropped by shortly after co-presenting with her student research team. If we had a camera, you would see an educator who absolutely lights up when speaking about her student team.
Length: 5 mins
Session 4: Sarah Walshaw (Simon Fraser University), interviewed by Sally Haney
Attending her first SoTL Symposium in Banff, Sarah Walshaw from Simon Fraser University is a historian educator who brings fresh insights about entering the SoTL conference space.
Length: 3 mins
Session 5: Vikas Menghwani (University of British Columbia, Okanagan), interviewed by Sally Haney
Vikas Menghwani joins our podcast table in Session 5 at the Banff SoTL Symposium. Vikas presented his work on immersive virtual reality and group student engagement. Like many educators and students who joined our sessions, Vikas reported the gathering in Banff as inspiring and reinvigorating.
Length: 4 mins
Session 6: Julie Mooney (SAIT), interviewed by Sally Haney
Thanks to SAIT’s Julie Mooney, Ph.D. for dropping by our podcast sessions. Julie is no stranger to using podcasting in the academic setting. She shared some quick takeaways about the Banff SoTL Symposium.
Length: 3 mins
Session 7: Jodi Nickel (MRU) and MRU students Jessica Cuillerier and Emma Minish, interviewed by Sally Haney
Mount Royal University Education students Jessica Cuillerier and Emma Minish sit down with their professor, Jodi Nickel, who is also their research partner. The trio offers rich insights about the power of “going public” with their research at the Banff SoTL Symposium.
Length: 5 mins
Session 8: Richard Harrison and Beth Everest (poets), interviewed by Sally Haney
The Poets! Poets at a SoTL conference? Absolutely. Pop-up Poetry is a fixture at the Banff SoTL Symposium where poets Richard Harrison and Beth Everest invite attendees to share an idea, a word, really anything that is percolating. A short exchange soon results in a finished poem for the attendee to take away, likely never again to be seen by the poet. Thanks, Richard and Beth, for stopping by the podcasting table to share this delightfully creative approach to capturing our experiences.
Length: 10 mins
Session 9: Sam Paley (MRU student), interviewed by Sally Haney
What a dynamic conversation with MRU social innovation student, Sammy Paley! Attending the Banff SoTL Symposium for the first time, Sam was the ultimate connecter, allowing his curiosity and caring to lead. In this session, Sam walks us through, among other things, a chance meeting with Education professor Shannon Kell. Thanks, Sam, for stopping by. Your appreciative nature is deeply inspiring.
Length: 8 mins
Session 10: Sarah Bunnell (Elon University) and Joshua Hill (MRU), interviewed by Sally Haney
The keynote speakers connect! Attendees at the Banff SoTL Symposium were treated to a provocative opening keynote by Sarah Bunnell (Elon) and an equally inspiring closing keynote by Joshua Hill (MRU). Sarah and Josh dropped by the podcasting table just before Josh's closing address. Thank you, both, for sharing your ideas, your time, and your service to higher education.
Length: 13 mins