Academic title: Associate Professor
Office: T379
Email: twiart@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.6855
M.Ed., University of Alberta
B.Ed., University of Alberta
Therese Wiart Jenkinson served for 18 years as primarily a kindergarten teacher in Alberta schools. In partnership with her sister, they renovated a 1912 historic home in Red Deer to open an early childhood preschool childcare in which she was a director and early childhood educator. Then began the era of post-secondary teaching for Early Learning and Child Care programs at Red Deer College, Lethbridge College and Mount Royal University. She became involved in the development and pilot phases for the Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum and taught the curriculum framework course at MacEwan University. She achieved her Waldorf Early Childhood Teacher certification at the West Coast Institute and her Level 1 in Spatial Dynamics, five-year movement therapy and education course. She is a PhD candidate at the Ontario Institute for Education Studies at the University of Toronto.
Areas of Instruction
- Fieldwork & Practicum
- Program Design
- Child Development
- Play
- Learning through play
Areas of Scholarship
- Pedagogical Documentation
- Pedagogical Leadership
- Diversity/Culture
- Experiential Learning
- Curriculum
Selected Presentations
Wiart Jenkinson, T. (2019, January). Playful methods to co-research alongside educators, Presented at ‘Education Perspectives from Canada,’ Alberta Resource Centre for Quality Enhancement & Leap Education Study Tour. Palmerston North, New Zealand.
Morrison, D. & Wiart, T. (2018, November). Investigating children’s citizenship and educator decision making, Presented at ARCQE 9th Annual Conference, Respecting the Right to Identity, Edmonton, Alberta.
Farebrother, M. & Wiart, T. (2018, September). How to support administrative practices to guide the framework. Presented at the Orientation for Pedagogical Supports Alberta Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework Project Mount Royal University. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
Morrison, D. & Wiart, T. (2017, January). Curriculum framework: Play, participation & possibilities. Professional Development for early education teachers of the Red Deer Catholic School Division. Red Deer, Alberta, Canada.
Relevant Community Service
- Pedagogical Leader for the Alberta Government ELCC sites
- Board Member for Alberta Resource Centre for Quality Enhancement ARCQE
- Moderator and Validator for the Accreditation of Early Learning and Care Services