Crisis Supports


If you or someone you know is in immediate danger call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room. 



On-Campus Crisis Support


MRU Student Counselling On-Call Sessions

Student Counselling Services accommodates students in crisis on weekdays. Please inform the receptionist that you need urgent help.

Student Counselling Services also offers walk-in counselling services for same-day support. We begin booking appointments at our reception desk starting at 12:45 p.m. (Wellness Services U216). The last walk-in appointment is booked by 3:15 p.m. If you are not able to get to the front desk at 12:45 p.m.,  please call 403.440.6362 to ask if any sessions are available. We will respond to your phone call as soon as we are able. 

Please note that walk-in sessions are typically shorter than a regular appointment (lasting approximately 30 minutes) and are scheduled on a first-come, first-served basis. Although we create the walk-in schedule with an eye on anticipated need, availability may vary due to circumstances outside of our control. Thank you for your patience as we serve students as best we can.

Phone: 403.440.6362

Location: U216 (inside MRU Wellness Services)

MRU Residence Advisor                                  

If you live in MRU Residence, a member of the Residence Life team is available to provide you with support 24/7.

Daytime Phone: 403.440.6275

After-Hours Phone (8 p.m. - 8 a.m.):

MRU Security                                                               

Security is available 24/7.

Phone: 403.440.5900 or use an emergency phone located across campus.

Location: X200 (West Gate)

Off-Campus Crisis Support


Community Resource Team

Crisis phone support for all ages available 24/7 (several languages available).

Phone: 403.299.9699 or 1.800.653.6106 (24/7)
Text: 587.315.5000 (9 a.m. - 10 p.m.)
Live Chat: (9 a.m. - 10 p.m.)

Distress Centre                                                

Crisis phone support available 24/7

Phone or text: 403.266.HELP (4357)
Live Chat:

AHS Addictions Helpline

Support, information and referral to services including free addictions counselling.

24/7 helpline - call 1.866.332.2322

Alberta's One Line for Sexual Violence                              

Specialized support to those impacted by sexual violence availbe 7 days a week, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. in over 200 langauges

Phone or Text: 1.866.403.8000

FearIsNotLove (formerly Calgary Women's Emergency Shelter)

24/7 family (dating, domestic) violence helpline that provides support from trained counsellors in dozens of languages.

Phone: 403.234.SAFE (7233)

First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness         

24/7 helpline that provides immediate counselling and crisis intervention to all Indigenous peoples across Canada.

Phone: 1.855.242.3310

Trans Lifeline

A 24/7 grassroots hotline offering direct emotional and financial support to trans people in crisis- for the trans community, by the trans community.

Phone: 1.877.330.6366

Talk Suicide Canada

Connect to a crisis responder to get help without judgement.

Phone: 1.833.456.4566 (24/7)
Text: 45645 (2 -10 p.m.)

Health Link

A free 24/7 telephone service providing advice from a nurse.

Call: 811