Wellness resources for faculty and staff

Services available to faculty and staff

Wellness Services and Human Resources work together to foster wellness in the workplace by supporting Mount Royal employees with a range of services and resources.

Wellness Service offerings

Wellness Services provides employee access to:

  • MRU Injury & Prevention Clinic
  • Health Services physicians and nurses (including access to a mental health nurse)
  • Select workshops about emotional wellness and mental health (including Harm Reduction and Naloxone Training, QPR - Suicide Intervention Training, and The Working Mind)
  • Guest lectures and classroom presentations
  • Employee wellness surveys
See the Employee Wellness Brochure for more information.

Human Resources offerings

Employee Wellness offerings

Employee Wellness provides programs, resources and services to help employees lead healthier lives, both in and out of the workplace, including:  

  • Information and services for an active and healthy workplace
  • Employee health promotion events and workshops
  • Information on Inkblot Therapy - Employee and Family Assistance Provider (EFAP)
Learn more about these supports and services.

Presentation and data requests

The Healthy Campus Team is available to give presentations to Mount Royal classes on a variety of student health and mental health topics. Data from the National College Health Assessment (NCHA) survey is used to inform these presentations. Please fill out this form to request a presentation or contact Wellness Services at wellness@mtroyal.ca to find out more.



Helping others

Want to help those around you but not sure where to point them for resources and support? Check out our online resources for helping others and build your capacity to support friends, family, students and colleagues.

Faculty can also access our faculty toolkit for support. This toolkit provides an overview of the supports and resources available for faculty to use while continuing to support student mental health and survivors of dating, domestic and sexual violence on campus.