Practicum & Work Experience

Post-Admission Program Requirements

You must complete additional post-admission program requirements for the Embalmer certificate and to participate in Embalming Practicum and Work Experience courses. Some requirements may take time to obtain (i.e., Non-Graduated Class 5 Driver's License, completion of immunization series) so you are advised to plan accordingly. Your course registration options will be impacted if requirements are incomplete.

For a full list of Post-Admission Program Requirements, view the Program Planning Guide on the Plan Your Studies page.

Embalming Practicum Requirements

Students in the Embalmer certificate are required to complete an Embalming Practicum course which involves participation in embalming skills training with classes held at the Advanced Techical Skills Simulation Laboratory (located at the University of Calgary) and instructor-led embalming labs within Calgary funeral homes.

You are encouraged to take the Embalming Practicum course as early as possible within your program.

Embalming labs for the Embalming Practicum are held in Calgary. Out-of-town students complete their Embalming Practicum along with Restorative Art II during a Calgary-based Intensive Institute (condensed delivery format in Fall or Spring); students from the Calgary area typically complete Embalming Practicum during the Fall-Winter semesters.


Refer to the Program Planning Guide available on the Embalmer Certificate Plan Your Studies page for further details.

Work Experience Requirements

You will complete a work experience course as the final course in the Embalmer certificate program. 

  • Students are responsible to secure a work experience location. Mount Royal does have resources to assist you in the search. Career Services can help you with your job search, resume critique, interview skills and more.
  • Work experience courses are completed at a licensed funeral home under the supervision of a licensed embalmer. Work experience courses may be completed in your community however, relocation may be required.
  • Work experience course requirements may be completed as an employee or as a volunteer (paid or unpaid) of the licensed funeral home.
  • Contact the Funeral Program team for registration guidance when a work experience location is secured during the semester.

    Completing Work Experience Courses Outside of Alberta
    • Students who reside outside of Alberta or intend to complete their work experience course(s) outside of Alberta must contact their provincial regulatory body before registering in the work experience course(s). 
    • The provincial regulatory body will advise students on their eligibility to complete their work experience course(s) in their location (province) and if any provincial restrictions may apply. 
    • Students may also contact the program advisor for more details and assistance. 


Non-Graduated Class 5 Driver's License - students preparing for work experience courses may be required to provide a non-graduated Class 5 driver's license to their Funeral Home employer, at their own expense. A Drivers Abstract may also be required. Failure to do so may impact the student's ability to complete the program requirements or participate in the course.

Police Information Check - students may be required to provide a current Police Information Check to their Funeral Home employer, at their own expense. It is each employer's decision to accept or reject a student for work experience placement based upon the results of a police information or other background checks.

Students will primarily complete their required hours by working in the preparation room on arterial injection embalming cases under the direction of a licensed Embalmer. Related tasks such as dressing, cosmetics, casketing and cremation are also acceptable for a small portion of the time. Hours worked on non-embalming tasks (e.g., assisting at a visitation) are not to be counted towards the work hour requirement.