Christina Tortorelli, MA, RSW

Christina Tortorelli, MA, RSW

Academic title: Assistant Professor

Office: T375
Phone: 403.440.6439 or 403.540.5584

MA (Counseling), Gonzaga University
BA, University of Victoria
Diploma, Mount Royal College

As a full-time assistant professor, I bring many years of experience working with vulnerable individuals, families and communities as well as a deep understanding of government processes to students. I have significant experience in family/domestic violence, disabilities, child development, medical child abuse, addictions, mental health, trauma, resilience to name a few. Collaboration is a critical skill for students to develop. Everything, in social work, is made easier through partnerships that you create and sustain. Strong partnerships I have across sectors remain strong and support students in their learning.

I am also a student embarking on my PhD in Social Work at the University of Calgary where I will further explore and research in the area of resilience. I am excited to continue to learn which enhances my ability to remain current in the field of social work, bring current knowledge to the MRU classroom — graduating exceptional professionals.

Areas of Instruction

  • Social Work with a focus on clinical skill development
  • Mental Health and Addiction
  • Legislation and policy
  • Child Intervention/Child Welfare
  • Collaborative Practice

Areas of Scholarship

  • International Students
  • Resilience
  • Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder
  • Cumulative Risk

Selected Publications

Lebel, C. A., McMorris, C. A., Kar, P., Ritter, C., Andre, Q., Tortorelli, C., & BenGibbard, W. (2019). Characterizing adverse prenatal and postnatal experiences in children. Birth Defects Research, 111(12), 848-858. doi:10.1002/bdr2.1464 Mukherjee, R. A. S., Cook, P. A., Norgate, S. H., & Price, A. D.

Xiangyu Long, Preeti Kar, Ben Gibbard, Christina Tortorelli, & Catherine Lebel. (2019). The brain’s functional connectome in young children with prenatal alcohol exposure. NeuroImage: Clinical, 24.

Paediatrics & Child Health, Volume 15, Issue suppl_A, May/June 2010, Page 10A,

Selected Presentations

Turtler, C., Dean, Y., Ferguson, M., Foggin, A., Supporting Success with International Students in Social Work Education. IFSW Conference on-line. July 15-19, 2020.

Tortorelli, C & Wilkes, Dr., T.C.R., Cannabis and Youth Post-Legalization. Developmental Neurosciences Grand Rounds – Alberta Children’s Hospital. Calgary, AB, Canada. January 27, 2020.

Tortorelli, C., P-KIC: Pediatrics for Kids in Care. Pediatric Grand Rounds – Memorial University. St. John’s, Newfoundland. November 12, 2019.

Wilkes, Dr. T.C.R., Ortega, I., Tortorelli, C., Ponting, S., Kent, R., Starchuk, A. Innovative cross-ministry mental health treatment program for high-risk youth. 39th Canadian Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Conference. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. September 15-17, 2019.

Choate, P., Badry, D., & Tortorelli, C. FASD and Child Welfare Issues Across the Lifespan: Research, Policy and Practice. 8th International Research Conference on FASD: Research, Results and Relevance - Integrating Research, Policy, and Practice around the World, University of British Columbia Vancouver, BC, Canada. March 6, 2019. 

Relevant Community Service

  • Board Member MRU Childcare Center
  • Maintaining Collaborative Agency Relationships to support practicum opportunities
  • Professional Development Committee — MRFA
  • Multi-disciplinary collaborative with AHS and U of C — Cumulative Risk Journal Club