Academic Title: Associate Professor
PhD., University of Calgary
MEd., University of Regina
BEd., University of Regina
Contact Information
Phone: 403-440-5085
Email: jchadwick@mtroyal.ca
Joy has extensive K-12 school experience as a teacher, resource teacher, curriculum leader, system specialist, and school leader. As a faculty member in the Department of Education, her instruction focuses on exceptional learners, inclusive teaching practices, field and practicum supervision, curriculum foundations, and assessment. Her present research interests include the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning focused on threshold concepts in teaching, inclusive pedagogy, and preservice teacher wellness.
Areas of Instruction
- Language Development and Literacy
- Practicum Supervision
- Field and Practicum Coordination
- Inclusive Teacher Practices
- Exceptional Learners
- Curriculum Foundations
- Assessment
Areas of Scholarship
- Threshold Concepts in Teaching
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
- Preservice Teacher Wellness
- Teaching Reading and Literacy Tutoring
Selected Publications
Chadwick, J. (2022) When students become our teachers. In K. Badley & M. Hughes. (Ed.), Joyful Resilience as Educational Practice. Transforming Teaching Challenges into Opportunities. Routledge.
Nickel, J., & Chadwick, J. (2022). Tutoring to build teacher candidates' competence as reading teachers. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 30(3), 312-332. https://doi.org/10.1080/13611267.2022.2070990