Sarah Hamilton, MEd

Sarah Hamilton, MEd

Academic Title: Assistant Professor 

MEd, University of Calgary 
BEd, Memorial University of Newfoundland 
BSc, University of Guelph 

Contact Information
Office: EL 3423 K 
Phone: 403.440.5691

Sarah Hamilton has over 17 years of teaching and leadership experience working with diverse learners and educators to promote mathematics teaching for all learners. Previous to her appointment to Mount Royal University, she served as a Research Lead for a K-12 school in Calgary, Alberta. Sarah’s research interests include mathematics education, executive functioning and self-regulation, collaborative inquiry, knowledge building and professional learning. She is currently in the final stages of completing her Doctor of Education in the Learning Sciences at the University of Calgary.

Areas of Instruction

  • Teaching Mathematics 
  • STEAM Education 
  • Practicum Supervision 

Areas of Scholarship 

  • Mathematics Pedagogy and Education
  • Self-regulation
  • Professional Learning
  • Research Practice Partnerships

Selected Publications 

Hamilton, S. ., Braunberger, D., & Brown, B. (2022). Conceptualizing a Foundation to Lead a School–University Research Partnership. International Journal for Leadership in Learning, 22(1), 340–363.

Braunberger, D. & Hamilton, S. (2022). Covid-19 driven emergence of an informal network to support vulnerable students. In G. Handscomb & C. Brown (Eds.) The power of professional learning networks: Traversing the present, transforming the future (pp. 219-232). John Catt Publishing.

Hamilton, S. & Braunberger, D. (2022, in review). An action research study to examine perceptions and practices of teachers promoting student development of executive functioning skills in all learning environments. In M. Jacobsen & C. Smith (Eds.) Online Learning and Teaching from Kindergarten to Graduate School. (pp). Canadian Association for Teacher Education.

Adams, P., Braunberger, D. Hamilton, S & Caldwell, B. (2021). Leaders in limbo: The role of collaborative inquiry influencing school leader’ levels of efficacy. Canadian Journal of Action Research, 22(1), 27-44.

Francis, K. Rothshuh, S., Hamilton, S. & Diehl, G (2021). Exploring the synergy between the move steering input and turning a robot. Elementary STEM Journal, 25(4), 26-32.

Selected Presentations 

Braunberger, D. & Hamilton, S. (2022, April). Leveling the playing field: Supporting students with learning disabilities who struggle with exectuive functioning [Paper presentation]. American Educational Research Association Conference [online].

Hamilton, S. (2022, May). Perceptions of collective knowledge in collaborative professional learning [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference [online].

Braunberger, D. & Hamilton, S. (2022, May). The impact of collaborative inquiry-based professional learning on knowledge and perceptions of teaching executive functions to students​ [Paper presentation]. Canadian Society for the Study of Education [online].

Hamilton, S. (2021, May 28). Teaching strategies to support mathematical computation and reasoning [Conference presentation]. Closing the COVID gap: Supporting literacy, numeracy and social emotional learning for students with specific Learning Disorders. Leading Disabilities Association of Canada, Virtual conference.

Caldwell, B., Hamilton, S., Braunberger, D. & Adams, P. (2021, May 31 - June 3). Leaders in limbo: The role of collaborative inquiry in school leaders' levels of efficacy [Conference Presentation]. 49th Canadian Society for the Study of Education Conference. Virtual conference.

Relevant Community Service

Human Research Ethics Board Member, Mount Royal University (2020 - present)