Administrative title: Associate Dean of Research, Scholarship, & Community Engagement
Academic title: Professor
PhD, University of Calgary
MSc., University of Manitoba
BPE, University of Manitoba
Contact information
Office: Y320A
Email: mlafave@mtroyal.ca
Phone: 403.440.6246
Mark began at Mount Royal in 1994 as both an instructor in the department and as the Head Athletic Therapist for Cougar Athletics. In service to both these groups, Mark was instrumental in the design and development of the clinic at Mount Royal (Optimal Therapies). Since 1997 Mark has focused primarily on an academic role at MRU. He was part of the inaugural class to become a full professor at MRU in 2012. In 2018, Mark won the MRU career achievement award for research and scholarship. He has focused his research in two main areas: clinical education/SOTL and clinical research focused on knee and shoulders.
Areas of Instruction
- Clinical Education
- Competency Development
- Orthopedic Assessment
- Rehabilitation
- Clinical Skill Development
Areas of Scholarship
- Clinical Education
- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)
- Clinical Research on Knees
- Clinical Research on Shoulders
- Competency Development
Selected Publications
- Hiemstra, LA, Bentrim, A.,* Kerslake, S, & Lafave, MR. (2024). The BPII 2.0 correlated with Kinesiophobia, Pain Catastrophizing, Quality of Life, and Return to Sport in Patients with Recurrent Lateral Patellofemoral Instability. American Journal of Sports Medicine, in press
- Hiemstra, LH, Kerslake, S, Sasyniuk, T. & Lafave, MR. (2024). Palpation and Fluoroscopy are Valid but Unreliable for the Assessment of Femoral Tunnel Position after MPFL Reconstruction, International Journal of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery, and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine, published online March 14, 2024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
jisako.2024.03.005 - Lafave, MR, Amannejad, Y., Mammadova, U., & Eubank, B. (2023). Systems that Evaluate International Equivalency in Health-Related Professions: A Scoping Review with a Focus on Canada. Human Resources for Health, 21 (79), pg. 1-8, https://doi.org/10.1186/
s12960-023-00864-y - Lafave, MR, Owen, J, Eubank, BHS and DeMont, R. (2021). Validation of the Athletic Therapy Competency Framework. Athletic Training Education Journal. Volume 16 (1), pg. 71-86. https://doi.org/10.
4085/1947-380X-20-080 - Lafave, MR, Hiemstra, LA, Parikh, SN, Peterson, D. & Kerslake, S. (2020). Validity & Reliability of the Banff Patellar Instability Instrument 2.0 (BPII) in an Adolescent Population. Journal of Pediatric Orthopaedics. 40, 2, pg. e103-e106. doi: 10.1097
- Lafave, MR & Yeo, M. (2019) The relationship between the volume of clinical presentation exposures, hours and student self-rated confidence. The Journal of Competency-Based Education. Vol. 4 (4), pg. 1-8. doi: 10.1002/cbe2.1204.
Selected Presentations
- Stolear, D.,* McAllister, J., Lafave, LMZ, Hynes, L, King, C., & Lafave, MR. Bridging the Gap: Exploring Relationships Between Attitudes and Knowledge Outcomes of Undergraduate Students on Evidence-Informed Practice Concepts. Mokakiiks SOTL Symposium, Nov. 2024. Canmore, Alberta, Canada
- Stolear, D.,* McAllister, J., Lafave, LMZ, Hynes, L, King, C., & Lafave, MR. Assessing baseline knowledge of Evidence-Informed Practice in undergraduate students in health discipline, Office of Health and Medical Education Scholarship Conference. February 21, 2024. Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
- Golden, D.* Lafave, L, Hynes, L., King, C., & Lafave, MR. Initial Validity of the S-EIP-HPI, Office of Health & Medical Education Scholarship Symposium, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, May 11, 2023.
- Lafave, LMZ, Van Wyk, N. & Lafave, MR. Initial validity and reliability of the Physical Literacy Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviours Questionnaire (PL-KABQ). ISBNPA, June 14-17, 2023. Uppsala, Sweden.
- Hiemstra, LH, Kerslake, S., Clark, M., Temple-Oberle, C., Fritz, JA, Lafave, MR, & Boynton, E. Rates of Burnout in Female Orthopaedic Surgeons Correlate with Barriers to Gender Equity. COA/CORS/CORA Annual Meeting, June, 2023 in Calgary, Alberta.
- Lafave, MR., McAllister, J., Hynes, L. & Lafave, LMZ. Baseline Evidence-Informed Practice Attitudes and Knowledge of Undergraduate Athletic Therapy Students. EuroSOTL, Manchester, UK, June 16-17, 2022.
Relevant community service
- Co-Chair of the Program Accreditation Committee for the CATA