MRU Nursing Mentorship (EAL)

The English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) Nursing Student Support Group, which meets these students' academic and non-academic needs, was formed in 2009. Run-on a volunteer basis, this group is seen as a pivotal step in building a culturally diverse (multicultural) community by supporting EAL nursing students.

An effective framework incorporates both academic and psychosocial support through skill-based workshops embedded in relevant nursing academic curricula (e.g. communication, pronunciation, cultural, and writing workshops), social networking opportunities (e.g. peer mentoring and large group events), and leadership opportunities (such as public speaking opportunities). The impact has been studied and published in academic journals. Check out our nursing (EAL and non-EAL) alumni/students' success stories (through mentorship and leadership).

Both EAL and non-EAL nursing students and alumni are welcome!  

For more information, please register via the EAL group website or email directly to Liza Choi.

Choi, L.L.S., Brochu, N. (2020). Highlights From an English-as-an-Additional-Language Nursing Support Program. Nursing Education Perspectives. 41(2), 124-5doi: 10.1097/01.NEP.0000000000000458

Choi, L.L.S. (2019).  Continued Impact of an English-as-an-Additional-Language (EAL) Nursing Student.  Journal of Nursing Education.

Choi, L.L.S. (2019).  Highlights of an English-as-an-Additional Language (EAL) Nursing Student Support Program.  Nursing Education Perspectives.

Choi, L.L.S. (2018).  The Perceived Effectiveness of an English-as-an-Additional Language (EAL) Nursing Student Support Program.  Journal of Nursing Education.

Choi, L.L.S. (2016). A Support Program for English as an Additional Language Nursing Students. Journal of Transcultural Nursing (Vol. 27 pp. 81-85). Sage Journals.