Prior to applying for a field school, ensure that you have reviewed the contents below and understand and agree to the requirements and policies. Once you formally apply to a field school opportunity, you are bound by the information below and are required to adhere to it. Failure to do so will result in the participant's termination from the field school program.
Contact International Education if you have any questions.
International field schools are supported by both the academic department offering the field school and by MRU International Education.
International field school participants will have two main contacts for their field school experience: The Field School Instructor and the Field School Coordinator from International Education.
Role of the Field School Instructor
- designs the field school course, program and method of assessment;
- acts as the field school guide and leader by travelling with and leading the field school group;
- oversees and delivers the academic instruction and academic evaluation for the field school;
- is the main contact for participants when in the field and is the key liaison between the group and Mount Royal University and with other key stakeholders;
- troubleshoots and acts on behalf of the group in the field, making necessary decisions, adjustments, arrangements, etc. as needed;
- has the authority to develop and enforce field school-specific rules and guidelines to ensure the success, safety and well being of the field school group and individual participants; and
- ensures that all aspects of the field school meet Mount Royal University's policies, guidelines and standards.
Role of the Field School Coordinator from International Education
- is responsible for coordinating international field school logistics and administration;
- acts as the point of contact for both the field school instructor and participants to the other departments involved in field school processes;
- coordinates logistics with external vendors;
- will ensure each participant completes/provides all necessary documents in order to be approved for international travel through MRU;
- will monitor and track all field school program fee deposit payments and will follow up with participants for late or missing payments;
- will, upon request, provide the necessary letter of support for all students applying for student loan funding for the field school program;
- will develop, administer and deliver the mandatory "Know Before You Go" pre-departure orientation session as well as the mandatory re-entry requirements such as the debrief, experience reports and field school evaluation;
- will inform participants of grants available to help fund their participation in the field school and administer said grants;
- will compile student feedback on the field school experience to share with the Field School Instructor and appropriate academic department(s) to evaluate each field school offering;
- is responsible for enrolling field school participants in the appropriate sections of the field school course(s); and
- is not in any way involved in the academic aspect of the field school.
Role of the Field School Participants
- become familiar with and ensure you fully understand, agree to and adhere to the information and regulation pertaining to field schools as outlined on the website and in the field school informational materials;
- apply for the specific field school of interest in the appropriate manner and by the appropriate deadlines as determined by the Field School Instructor;
- meet the academic rigor and expectations set for the field school course(s) and be in compliance with all academic policies;
- have an in-depth familiarity with the field school program and its itinerary to ensure they are able to fully participate in all planned activities;
- where accommodations (academic or other) are to be requested, ensure that the proper processes are followed and that these requests are communicated to the field school instructor as soon as possible in the field school process. Any concerns or conditions that may affect full participation in the planned itinerary should be disclosed and discussed well in advance to see if alternative arrangements can be made;
- ensure that they have the necessary pre-requisites for the field school course and have a sufficient level of knowledge in the subject area to be successful in the field school program;
- in cases where pre-requisites are being waived to allow participation in the field school program, ensure that they follow the departmental processes for doing so;
- meet with their academic advisor to determine if/where the field school course(s) can be credited to their program;
- be prepared to meet all financial obligations related to the field school and meet all payment deadlines;
- be aware of the refund process should the participant cancel or be cancelled for any reason;
- be available to attend all scheduled field school group meetings/events/orientations prior to the field school commencement;
- submit all required and requested documentation by specified deadlines and ensure that all documentation is completed truthfully and in full;
- ensure they are eligible to travel to the destination country based on passport, visa and health requirements, etc.;
- research the field school destination(s) in-depth to be aware of any health and security concerns, cultural considerations, travel tips, etc.; and
- be aware of the realities of group travel and be open to working and living in a group for an extended period of time as well as working to contribute to the overall success of the group.
Participants who are interested in being part of a field school program and who utilize the services of Access & Inclusion Services for academic or other types of accommodation should meet with their Access Advisor and the Field School Instructor prior to registering in the Field School to determine if/how reasonable accommodations can be made. Each field school environment is unique and while all possible efforts will be made to support student needs, it cannot be guaranteed that the same supports and services accessed locally at Mount Royal will be available to be accessed in the international location and field school environment.
The type of accommodation will vary by field school and location and may include:
- home rentals;
- student residences;
- hostels;
- hotels/motels;
- guest houses;
- homestays; and/or
- camping.
Field school participants should be aware that accommodations abroad may be of differing standards and may not be comparable to Canadian housing and accommodations.
Field school accommodation is almost always double or triple occupancy.
When booking accommodation, all reasonable and possible precautions will be taken to ensure that the accommodations are safe and suitable for the field school programming needs while being budget-friendly.
Field school participants will be made aware of the type of accommodation that will be used and will be provided with the specific details and contact information for the various bookings made by the Field School Instructor. Participants must abide by the regulations of the various accommodations and will be required to pay for any damages and/or services used that are not part of the program budget and bookings.
Field school participants are required to stay with the group in the set accommodations. Participants with personal needs or concerns pertaining to housing accommodations should speak with the Field School Instructor or Coordinator as soon as possible. Additional costs for any special arrangements considered will be the responsibility of the requesting student.
In-person payments
Participants will pay the program fee deposits in person at the Office of the Registrar (A101).
Participants must first obtain a Blue Payment Slip from International Education (EB3005) and should present the Blue Payment Slip each time they pay a Program Fee deposit.
Participants must keep a receipt for each deposit paid.
Learn more about accepted methods of payment when paying in person at the Office of the Registrar.
Online payments
Payment in person is the preferred method of paying the deposits. However, in the event that a participant cannot make a program fee deposit in person, they may choose to make the payment on to their student account using either internet banking or the online Plastiq credit card payment system.
If these online methods are used it is the responsibility of the participant to follow up the online payment with an email to studentfees@mtroyal.ca and request that the payment made, once received by MRU, be transferred to a "deposit for an international field school". This ensures that the payment gets moved off the student account and into the field school account. The deposit will not show as paid for the trip until this has taken place.
Transfer and credit card payment methods generally take multiple days to be received by MRU. It is the participant's responsibility to make the payment far enough in advance for it to be received by the payment deadline.
Participant cancellation
A field school participant is considered as having cancelled their participation in field school program in the following situations:
- the participant chooses not to participate or continue participating in the program, regardless of the reason and has communicated this information in writing to the field school coordinator;
- the participant is deemed ineligible for the field school for failing to meet the requirements and obligations (academic or other) as outlined online, in the field school informational materials and forms, the MRU Academic Calendar, the Field School Participant Agreement or the course outline at any point after acceptance into the field school program;
- the participant is removed from the program and/or asked to leave the program by the Field School Instructor or Coordinator for failing to meet and follow established program expectations, guidelines and requirements; and/or
- the participant fails to meet the various fee payment deadlines.
If a field school participant is considered as having cancelled their participation at any point after acceptance into the field school the following refund processes apply in regards to the various fees:
Refund of Field School program fees
The initial program fee deposit is 100% non-refundable for all participants, regardless of the reason or timing of the cancellation of their participation.
The possibility of a partial or full refund of subsequent program fee deposits paid prior to cancellation is not guaranteed and will be determined by International Education at the time of withdrawal. Each case will be examined and determined based on multiple factors including:
- whether or not the participant can be replaced by another student from the waitlist;
- the impact of the participant cancellation on the overall program budget and program arrangements (i.e. the number of hotel rooms, per-person costs for transportation, etc.);
- what monies, if any, can be refunded by vendors that have already been paid or for which an agreement or contract is already in place; and/or
- what monies, if any, can be re-allocated within the budget due to the change in the number of participants.
The decision made by International Education regarding program fee refunds is final and non-negotiable. If it is determined that a refund of program fees may be available to the participant, the refund will not normally be finalized or processed until the field school has returned and the program budget and expenses have been finalized.
Participant cancellation (as previously defined) after the field school departure date or after the final add/drop deadline for the field school semester, as determined by the Office of the Registrar (whichever is earlier), will result in no refund of program fees whatsoever.
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase appropriate trip cancellation and interruption insurance to possibly assist with covering program fees that cannot be refunded.
Refund of additional student expenses
Additional student expenses related to the field school are solely the responsibility of the individual participant and will not be considered for refund or reimbursement in any part by MRU.
Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase appropriate trip cancellation and interruption insurance to possibly assist with covering some of these additional expenses in case of withdrawal.
In addition to the pre-departure meetings and class time organized by the Field School Instructor, all field school participants are required to attend a mandatory "Know Before You Go" Pre-Departure Orientation facilitated by International Education. This orientation is approximately 3-4 hours in length and covers a variety of important topics including, but not limited to:
- Risk & Responsibility Abroad;
- Emergency Response Plans;
- Travel Logistics;
- Travel Health & Wellness;
- Cross-Cultural Communication and Adaptation;
- Knowledge of the Host Culture;
- Group Travel Dynamics;
- Administrative Logistics; and
- Return to Canada.
Attendance at the pre-departure orientation is a mandatory requirement in order for a participant to be formally approved for international travel through MRU. Any participant who fails to attend will be deemed ineligible to participate in the field school and will be considered having canceled their participation in the program, regardless of how soon the trip is departing or what coursework has already been completed towards the field school. In such cases, the refund procedure as outlined in Cancellation and Refunds will apply.
Pre-departure orientation session dates will be set and provided well in advance to allow participants to make the necessary arrangements to be in attendance.
A specific Course Registration Number (CRN) will be created for each of the course(s) offered as part of the field school. The CRN(s) will not be published or made available publicly. Once registration for the field school semester has opened, the Field School Coordinator will enroll each participant in the appropriate CRN(s). Participants will not self-enroll in the course(s).
Registration will not be processed until all the participants in the field school have paid the Field School Program Fees in full.
Once course registration is complete, it is each participant's responsibility to review their student account and confirm their enrollment in the appropriate course(s) and pay all resultant MRU Tuition and Fees for the course(s) by the appropriate tuition deadline.
Following the field school, participants are responsible for reviewing their student accounts and ensuring that grades and credits earned are showing.
Out of Country Travel Health and Medical Insurance
It is mandatory for participants to obtain and maintain adequate Out of Country Travel Health and Medical Insurance coverage for the entire period they are abroad on an MRU-sponsored initiative or program. The coverage purchased by each individual participant must meet the minimum coverage required by MRU as well as meeting the participant's own specific needs, as outlined in the "Confirmation of Out of Country Travel Health and Medical Insurance" waiver and release form.
Participants must confirm their adequate insurance by signing and returning the confirmation form a minimum of six weeks prior to departure or by the specified deadline set by the Field School Coordinator. Students who do not submit the form by the deadline will not be approved for international travel through MRU and will not be permitted to participate in the field school (see Cancellations and Refunds).
Trip Cancellation and Interruption Insurance
Participants must purchase adequate trip cancellation and interruption insurance to cover any costs that may be incurred with their travel arrangements or program participation should the program be cancelled/interrupted or should the participant be unable to travel or need to return home early for reasons covered under their policy.
Although extremely rare, a Field School program may at times face cancellation. Reasons for this could include escalated risk, health or security concerns in the international location(s), trips not recruiting the minimum number of participants required or the Field school Instructor suddenly becoming incapacitated and unable to travel with no suitable replacement available.
Personal Belonging Insurance
It is strongly encouraged that participants purchase adequate travel insurance to cover any belongings that they will be taking with them on their travels.
Any financial burden encountered by a participant failing to have adequate and appropriate insurances in place will be the sole responsibility of the participant.
All participants will require a valid passport for international travel and it is recommended that it be valid for at least 6 months past your expected date of return from your international destination(s). Each country has specific entry/exit requirements including how long your passport must be valid. To confirm these entry/exit details for Canadian passport holders for your intended country of travel please visit travel.gc.ca
Whether or not a field school participant will require a travel/entry visa will depend on the country of destination as well as the participant's country of citizenship. Where possible, guidance and information on the visa application process will be given by the Field School Instructor or Coordinator however legally they cannot formally advise on visas. It is ultimately each participant's responsibility to apply for and obtain the necessary visa in advance of travel if required.
Participants requiring visas for field school travel will be required to provide a copy of the visa or proof that the visa has been approved/received to the Field School Coordinator once it has been obtained. Failure to obtain the required visa in time for field school travel will result in the participant not being able to continue with the program and having to cancel their participation in the field school. See Cancellations and Refunds for information on the refund process that will be in effect.
Additional required travel documents
Some countries have additional requirements in order to gain entry to the country. This may include proof of vaccinations (i.e. Yellow Fever), proof of sufficient funds to support yourself during your time in that country, proof of purchase of a return air ticket, etc. These additional requirements will be discussed by the various field schools but participants are ultimately responsible for ensuring they have all necessary documentation and meet all necessary requirements to enter a given country. Participants can familiarize themselves in advance with these requirements at travel.gc.ca or by visiting the website of the given country's Embassy or Consulate.
Note: Any participant who plans to travel before or after the field school is responsible for ensuring that the necessary entry/exit documents for all countries being visited are in place.
In most cases, field school participants will be responsible for purchasing their flights and making their own travel arrangements to and from the field school destination. It is rare that group bookings will be made in order to allow participants to make travel arrangements that meet their personal needs and wants. In some cases, if there are students wishing to travel together, the International Education Coordinator may liaise with travel providers on behalf of the group to assist with finding suitable flights. In instances where it is decided in advance that the group must travel together, all participants are expected to book the fight determined by the field school instructor regardless of personal preference.
Advice on travel arrangements will be communicated to field school participants, including suggested travel routes, dates they are to arrive and earliest date/time they can depart from the field school location.
Participants must not purchase flights or formally book travel arrangements until they have been given the go-ahead by the Field School Instructor.
Participants must purchase appropriate insurance for their travel arrangements as per the Insurance section of this manual.