The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion works with students, faculty, and staff to implement Mount Royal University’s commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and anti-racism through comprehensive EDI strategies, processes and evidence-based policies, practices and programs.
As a university that is student-centred, Mount Royal embraces all aspects of individual and group identity. The University has a history of working toward EDI and humbly acknowledges this work needs to evolve to respond to calls for social justice effectively and to enable the systemic change necessary to deconstruct racism and colonization. The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will strive to foster a campus where people never doubt they belong, so that they can freely share their perspectives and experiences and fully participate in our social and academic community.
While Mount Royal places great value on freedom of expression, in no way does that imply that the institution, its governing bodies, its leadership or its community members agree or endorse any expressed views. As a campus community and institution of higher learning, it is expected that ideas, statements and espoused beliefs may be challenged and examined, with each individual free to make the independent decision to accept or reject them. Everyone on our campus has both the right and the responsibility to decide which ideas hold merit for them, and which do not.
We encourage compassionate and respectful dialogue in hopes of learning from all people's experiences at MRU.