Who we are
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion collaboratively develops an aspirational vision for equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) at Mount Royal University (MRU) that fosters a culture of belonging, sets priorities for action and advocates for systemic and meaningful changes.
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will:
- work with all MRU departments and areas to embed an EDIA lens in their policies and operations, including administration, academic and student life;
- consult widely throughout the development and implementation of EDIA frameworks, strategies and processes supported by evidence-based best practices;
- serve as a centralized resource where university members can access current information and best practices about EDIA and related intersections;
- provide referrals and act as a central connector for the network of EDIA practitioners that are contributing to positive change on campus and in the community; and
- facilitate respectful and inclusive dialogues about EDIA and its intersections that centre the voices and experiences of BIPOC and all equity-deserving individuals and groups.

Priorities and commitment
The Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion works both independently and collaboratively with a cross-section of the MRU community. The primary focus is to:
- provide strategic and operational advice to the president and other university leaders about EDIA;
- lead the development of MRU's institutional EDIA strategy;
- collaboratively ensure EDIA values are embedded in MRU's day-to-day operations, decision making and strategic planning at every level of the organization;
- advise on MRU's current and future organizational structure, programs and policies that promote and support systemic change;
- provide leadership advice and coordination for the President's EDI Advisory Committee (EDIAC);
- promote a learning and working environment that embodies EDIA values and recognizes the contributions of equity-deserving groups in our campus community;
- provide education, partnership and programming on EDIA and related topics;
- work closely with all relevant areas to ensure the integration of EDIA, anti-racism and anti-oppression initiatives and support for students and employees;
- identify, support and, where appropriate, lead anti-oppression initiatives, with a specific focus on anti-racism; and
- assist with EDIA-related communication with internal and external community members.

Meet the team

Dr. Moussa Magassa
Associate Vice-President, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Education
Contact information
e. mmagassa@mtroyal.ca
p. 403.440.5598
Welcome message from the AVP EDI
Dear students, faculty, staff and MRU community,
It is a great honour to walk on this path with you all. For the last two years, I have learned about your great passion and commitment to create an inclusive and welcoming university, devoted to the principles of intersectional equity, diversity, inclusion, accessibility, systemic anti-racism and intercultural acceptance and respect. Thank you for your gift of humanity.
“Like our ethical responsibility to embed anti-racism principles and values in all systems and structures of our organizations, we must think of our focus on equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDIA) as not a burden or something that pits ‘us’ and ‘them,’ but rather, as a gift of humanity we give to one another as human beings. A community founded on the values and principles of EDIA, anti-racism and anti-oppression benefits us all, regardless of our individual or social differences.”
— Dr. Moussa Magassa, 2021

Dr. Lisa Daroux-Cole
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Education and Development Specialist
Contact information
e. lcole1@mtroyal.ca
p. 403.440.7245
Dr. Lisa Daroux-Cole brings over 20 years of undergraduate teaching and industry experience both locally and abroad. Her field of research was psycho-social oncology and her teaching areas were social and sport psychology and adapted/accessible physical activity. Recently, she has focused her attention on equity and inclusion in higher education. She continues to create awareness and is proud to be working with such an amazing team, supporting community members in their lifelong journey to understanding intersectionality, diversity and equity, and to promote the inclusion of all people.

Dr. Faith-Michael Uzoka
Special Advisor, Equity, Diversity and Inclusive Excellence
Professor, Mathematics and Computing
Contact information
e. fuzoka@mtroyal.ca
p. 403.440.6674
c. 403.919.1429
Dr. Faith-Michael Uzoka, a professor of computing, is a distinguished scholar with numerous impactful scholarly publications and award-winning innovations, including the automatic pill dispenser/smart medical assistant and system for differential diagnosis of febrile diseases. He is a chartered director and a fellow of the John Ware Institute. He also sits on the Alberta Power and Natural Gas Consumer’s Panel and the Alberta Black Advisory Council. Additionally, he serves as president of the African Coalition Club and vice chair of the Continental African Diaspora Scholars’ Network in Canada.
In his role as the special advisor on equity, diversity, and inclusive excellence and vice chair of the President’s EDI Advisory Committee, he emphasizes organizational excellence through EDIA, a commitment recognized through esteemed awards such as the Alberta Newcomers Award for Inclusive Workplace and the Queen Elizabeth II Platinum Jubilee Medal.

Zenith Bose
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training Specialist for Researchers
Contact information
e. zbose@mtroyal.ca
p. 403.440.7721
Zenith Bose has been working in the post-secondary sector for over 13 years, in both student affairs and academic affairs spaces. Her areas of expertise are faculty development, curriculum development and academic strategic planning. Zenith is passionate about reducing barriers for students, staff and faculty through equity-centric policies, initiatives and programs. As a newer member of the MRU community, she is excited to continue her involvement in the world of research and strengthen the relationship between the Office of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and the Office of Research, Scholarship and Community Engagement.

Kit Turner
Administrative Assistant to the AVP, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Contact information
e. mturner@mtroyal.ca
p. 403.440.6538
Kit (they/them) has a background in human resources along with experience working in various areas of post-secondary, including residence services, campus recreation, student clubs and co-op programs. They are a proud member of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and actively work to improve trans inclusion on campus at every opportunity. With a passion for mental health, they advocate practicing informed consent, boundaries, self-compassion and compassion for others in all areas of life. They believe in empowering everyone with critical-thinking and self-reflection skills and restorative justice approaches to conflict resolution. Through this work, they hope to see a world that holds space for each of us as we grow and change, where all identities are expressed in ways that support mental, emotional, social and spiritual well-being.

Mikayla Kardynal
Strategist, Marketing and Communications
Contact information
e. mkardynal@mtroyal.ca
p. 587.439.7909
Mikayla Kardynal is a passionate marketing and communications strategist. One of her proudest moments was independently planning and executing an award-winning fundraiser for the Calgary Drop-In Centre — this inspired her to pursue a career in communications so she can help organizations amplify their stories and impact for future generations to come. In her spare time, you will find her practicing and teaching yoga, writing poetry, studying mind-body medicine and dreaming of the next way to make an innovative impact.