Making a difference
Planting seeds of Community inclusionA participatory action community gardening study and horticultural therapy group intervention for seniors at Mount Royal University.
Community gardens have been found to contribute to a number of health, social and ecological benefits. Revitalizing the MRU community garden, which has been underutilized in the summer session at the university, to include neighboring seniors and community volunteers was seen by a group of interdisciplinary researchers as one way to revitalize individual and community health. Read more...
Students help foster a healthy work environment
Capstone human resources course provides actionable recommendations
A fundamental practice at Mount Royal University, Bissett School of Business Human Resources faculty have tactically integrated the Community Service Learning (CSL) teaching pedagogy into the capstone human resources class by arranging a convenient, yet strategic, partner of support in MRU's own Human Resources (HR) department.
Students and public join forces to safeguard wetlands
Addressing real world problems through citizen science
There are over 4,000 wetlands in the city of Calgary that are depended on by humans, amphibians, insects, birds and many other species. They are an essential part of nature's infrastructure, playing a significant role in contributing to the water cycle while also filtering sediments and pollutants and lessening the impacts of floods and drought.
Mount Royal hosts national conference on community-based education
University builds on stellar reputation for supporting service-learning
Leaders in community-based learning joined together at Mount Royal University in late May for a seminal conference on experiential education.