Having trouble writing your resume? Get it reviewed by a Career Services professional!
No-cost reviews are available to all current students, and graduates (up to 5 years after graduation) of full-time programs.
- Complete our resume checklist prior to submitting
- Email studentjobs@mtroyal.ca with the subject line "Resume/Cover Letter Review Request"
- Attach completed checklist & your document(s) to be reviewed (in a Word or PDF format)
- Include your first and last name, student ID number, and whether you are a graduate or current student
- Describe how you will use your resume/cover letter (e.g. type of job you are seeking or industry you want to work in), and attach a job posting if your resume is for a specific job
FYI - A review can take up to five business days.
Career Services FOIP Notification Statement - The personal information that you provide to Mount Royal University is collected under the authority of the Post-Secondary Learning Act and Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act - section 33(c). The information will be used for the purposes of administering Career Services activities including, but not limited to, communicating with students regarding events, facilitating Work Experience opportunities, managing job postings and collaborating with Industry Partners to encourage their ongoing participation and support concerning various activities within Career Services. Additionally, MRU also collects personal information for the purposes of carrying out its business and operations with students and alumni, including but not limited to statistical research, funding, planning and marketing purposes. For more information (about Alumni Relations), please click here.
Questions regarding the collection of personal information can be directed to: Operations Coordinator - Career Services, Mount Royal University - A200, 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW - Calgary, AB - T3E 6K6 - 403.440.6307 - studentjobs@mtroyal.ca