Build skills you can use every day
Our part-time courses support students as they build life skills, such as interpersonal communication and meal planning, as well as improve their ability in areas including reading, writing and math. From learning how to code to preparing to take the learner's licence test, these courses are designed to meet students' practical needs and interests. To see all course descriptions, click here.
Winter registration opens November 12 at 8:30 am.
Questions? Contact us:
403.440.6872 or tvp@mtroyal.ca
Functional Math - Condensed click here
This course increases your ability to understand numbers, use calculators for daily living needs, understand income and expenses, and to be aware of community resources. To meet individual needs and ability levels, the content is based on your learning goals.Subject (for registration): TVP - Adult Basic Education
Subject code: XABE-10018-003 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 30395 |
Jan. 7 - Apr. 8 | 10 a.m. - noon | Tues |
Literature & Novel Study - Condensed click here
This course will focus on both novel and poetry. You will learn how to read a novel with deeper understanding by studying the way a novel is put together. You will also learn the different ways a poem can be written and why. Class time will include presentation work, drama, and viewing activities in groups and individually as well as reading.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Adult Basic Education
Fee: $350 | |||||
CRN 30303 |
Jan. 8 - Apr. 9 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Wed |
Computer, Tablets, and Smartphones click here
This course helps you use programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, keyboarding and typing software programs. Explore tablets and smartphones and find ways to use them in your daily life. Learn basic computer terminology, and explore the accessibility features and a variety of apps in tablets and smartphones,. Practice successfully and safely using the internet to search for specific information. Register and utilize a web-based email program such as Gmail or Hotmail.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Computer Literacy
Subject code: XCLI-10001-012 | Fee: $485 | |||
CRN 30015 |
Jan. 16 - Mar. 25 | 10 a.m. - noon | Tues & Thurs |
Computer, Tablets, and Smartphones click here
This course helps you use programs such as Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, keyboarding and typing software programs. Explore tablets and smartphones and find ways to use them in your daily life. Learn basic computer terminology, and explore the accessibility features and a variety of apps in tablets and smartphones,. Practice successfully and safely using the internet to search for specific information. Register and utilize a web-based email program such as Gmail or Hotmail.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Computer Literacy
Subject code: XCLI-10001-013 | Fee: $485 | |||
CRN 30016 |
Jan. 16 - Mar. 25 | 1 - 3 p.m. | Tues & Thurs |
Introductory to Computer Coding click here
This course will help you to better understand the computers you use in your everyday tasks. You will become familiar with computer programming concepts and terms and be introduced to code editors and online programming environments. You will have the opportunity to write computer programs. A basic knowledge of computers is required.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Computer Literacy
Subject code: XCLI-10007-002 | Fee: $350 | |||
CRN 30396 |
Jan. 10 - Apr. 11 | 10 a.m. - noon | Fri |
Learner's Licence Test Prep click here
This clear language course helps you to prepare to write the Alberta Learner's Licence test with a higher degree of success. Find and apply information from the Alberta Driver's Guide, demonstrate safe driving techniques using models and diagrams, and engage in fun and interactive learning activities. By learning study skills and test taking skills, you gain confidence in your knowledge of driving rules.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10002-007 | Fee: $350 | ||||
CRN 30021 |
Jan. 9 - Apr. 10 |
Thurs |
Alumni Activity Group click here
Keep up the friendships you made in the Transitional Vocational Program and develop new ones, too. This group is all about socializing. Meet with a facilitator to plan and then carry out a group activity together later that month. Try new things and learn about activities and facilities around Calgary. Also, improve your communication and teamwork skills. This course takes place through Google Meet, as well as in the community.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10013-008 | Fee: $105 | |||
CRN 30023 |
Jan. 13 | 6 - 10 p.m. | Mon |
Feb. 10 | 6 - 10 p.m. | Mon |
Mar. 10 | 6 - 10 p.m. | Mon |
Apr. 7 | 6 - 10 p.m. | Mon |
Life Skills II Concise Version click here
Build interpersonal, intra-personal, communication and problem-solving skills. Gain an understanding of yourself and your actions in relation to others in the group and in a potential workplace.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Subject code: XSDL-10016-003 | Fee: $325 | |||
CRN 30022 |
Jan. 23 - Apr. 24 | 10 a.m. - noon | Thurs |
The Wonderful World of Music click here
Come explore your creative expression by developing a further appreciation for music in a collaborative and social setting.
Subject (for registration): TVP - Self Development
Fee: $410 | |||||
CRN 30024 |
Jan. 10 - Apr. 11 | 1- 3 p.m. | Fri |
You can find instructions on creating an account, searching, and registering here. If you are a current student you will already have an account and can find information on how to register and pay here.