Did you know?

You are welcome to invite a support person with you for any stage of the process. A support person can be a friend, family member, community leader or University official. 

Explore the supports available to you.

SAMRU Student Advocacy Resource Centre

A dedicated space for students offering confidential services to help you refine your self-advocacy skills as you navigate policies and processes. Learn more about your options if you are experiencing academic or non-academic concerns or have questions.

The Iniskim Centre
A variety of programs and services to mentor Indigenous students including academic support, peer mentorship, counselling services, and financial information. Get connected to support staff, wisdom keepers and elders.

Office of Safe Disclosure
A range of services related to equity, human rights, discrimination. Explore the various conflict resolution pathways and get help navigating your rights and responsibilities within MRU human rights, harassment and accommodation policies.

Access and Inclusion Services
A team dedicated to creating an accessible learning environment for all. Reach out to explore what academic accommodations may be available to assist you in participating fully in your academic studies.

Wellness Services
An assortment of services to help support your mental, physical and overall well being. Discover all the supports. Your health and wellness matter.


Feeling stressed and don't know where to turn? Connect with Early Support. Discuss any challenges you might be facing in your personal or academic life with us. You can book an appointment or visit our team in EL2100 (Second Floor, Riddell Library within Student Learning Services).