Adam Cave
Vice Dean, Academic
Faculty of Business, Communication Studies and Aviation
Office: EB2017
Phone: 403-440-6983
Email: acave@mtroyal.ca
- PhD, International Business & Logistics
- Master of Economics - International Trade
- Bachelor of Commerce & Economics
- EQ-I 2.0 Certified Practitioner
Dr. Adam Cave is Vice Dean, Academic in the Faculty of Business, Communication Studies and Aviation at Mount Royal University, where they provide leadership in curriculum development, student success, and academic processes. His research focuses on international business strategy, logistics, and the career transitions of repatriates. As a community-engaged scholar, he has collaborated with industry and academic partners to enhance global business education and practice. Dr. Cave's work has been informed by his experience teaching and leading programs in Canada, South Korea, and beyond.
Dr. Cave joined Mount Royal University in August 2019 as Chair of the Department of International Business & Supply Chain Management. Prior to joining MRU, he was Chair of the Bachelor of Business Administration program at Northern Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT). Before moving to Alberta he was an Assistant Professor in the Business School at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS) in Seoul, South Korea and a previously also worked at Kyungsung University in Busan, South Korea. Before embarking on a career in academia he was a Sales & Marketing Manager for a small hi-tech firm in Syracuse, New York.
Dr. Cave has extensive teaching experience in International Business Strategy, International Marketing Strategy, International Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Global Mobility and Global Supply Chain Management. He has also conducted a variety of research in CSR, Environmentally Responsible Management, Repatriation Concerns, International Joint Ventures and been published in such publications as International Business Review, Multinational Business Review, Journal of International Business & Entrepreneurship Development and Critical Perspectives on International Business.
Global Mobility
Global Supply Chain
Supply Chain Management
International Trade Research
- Roberts, M., Nguyen-Beekhof, A. & Cave, A.H. (In development) “Repatriate enjoyment of international assignments: the role of duration and career value perception.”
- Roberts, M., Muralidharan, E., & Cave, A. H. (2024). International experience, growth opportunities, and repatriate job satisfaction. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de l'Administration, 1–18. https:
//doi.org/10.1002/cjas.1760 - Cave, A.H., Roberts, M. & Muralidharan, M. (2022) “Examining Antecedents of Repatriates’ Job Engagement and its Influence on Turnover Intention”, International Journal of Human Resource Management 34:19, 3687-3720, DOI: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2145911.
- Park, B.I. & Cave, A.H. (2018) “Corporate Social Responsibility in International Joint Ventures: Empirical Examinations in South Korea”, International Business Review, 27, pp. 1213-1228.
- Lee M.J., Paik S.Y., Cave, A.H. & Jung, J.S. (2018) “Comprehensive Competitiveness for Auto Companies from the USA, Germany, Japan and Korea: Empirical Analysis through a Diamond Model Perspective”, International Journal of Multinational Corporation Strategy, Vol. 2 Issue 2, pp.95-132.
- Walcutt, B., Patterson, L. &. Cave, A.H. (2015) “Gender Discrimination at Inditex Korea”, Journal of the International Academy for Case Studies, Vol. 21, No. 5. pp. 301-308.
- Cave, A.H. (2014) “Environmentally Responsible Management in International Business: A Literature Review” Multinational Business Review, Vol. 22, No.1. pp. 78-102.
- Cave, A. H., Park, B.I., (2013) “Determinants of Technology Acquisition in International Collaborative Formations: An Examination of International Joint Ventures and International Acquisitions” Journal for International Business and Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 7 No. 2 pp.93-115.
- Ghauri, P. N, Cave, A. H., Park B.I., (2013) “Foreign Parent Control Mechanisms Impact upon Measurements of Performance in IJVs in South Korea” Critical Perspectives on International Business, Vol. 9 No. 3 pp.251-270.
- Park, B.I., Cave, A.H. (2013) “다국적기업의 사회적 책임활동과 이해관계자 이론: Greenfield versus Brownfield” 국제경영리뷰 International Business Review (Korea), Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 21-59 (KCI).
- Cave, A. H., Park, B.I. (2011) “Insights into International Equity Partnerships” 경영건설팅연구, 제11권 제1호 2011년 3월.