Osama S. El-Temtamy

Associate Professor
Accounting and Finance
Bissett School of Business
4825 Mount Royal Gate SW
Calgary, AB, Canada T3E 6K6
(O) 403-440-5052
(f) 404-440-5909
"I shape the future; I teach."
Associate Professor
Office: EB2041
Phone: 403.440.5052
Email: otemtamy@mtroyal.ca
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/osama-el-temtamy-91997626/
DA-PhD - Middle Tennessee State University
MS - University of New Haven
BS - University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Osama joined MRU in the fall of 2018 from the University of New Brunswick (UNB) where he spent two years. Before joining UNB he worked at Zayed University (ZU) since August 2001 as an Assistant Professor in Accounting. Since then, he has been promoted to Associate Professor in summer of 2009, to Assistant Dean 2011 and to Associate Dean in 2014. He earned his doctorate in Economics and Accounting Information Systems from Middle Tennessee State University in 1995, a Master of Science in Accounting from University of New Haven in 1992, and a Bachelor of Science in Finance from University of Louisiana at Lafayette in 1988. All of which are AACSB accredited institutions. He is also a member of the Beta Gamma Sigma. Before joining ZU Osama spent six years with PricewaterhouseCoopers, Toronto Canada, as a Manager within the Project Finance and Privatization unit where he gained extended consulting experience ranging from public and private corporations to sovereign governments. In 2010 Osama was seconded to the Ministry of Presidential Affairs for six months as an external consultant in the ministry's internal audit department to develop their internal audit manual and their annual internal audit plan.
Recognition and Awards
Teaching Award: Winner of UNB's Allan P. Stuart in teaching award, 2017
Teaching Award: Nominated and short-listed for UNB's Allan P. Stuart in teaching award, 2016
External Examiner: UAE: Abu Dhabi Education Council, 2015.
Outstanding Faculty Award: Zayed University, 2015.
External Examiner: Bahrain: National Authority for Qualification & Quality Assurance of Education & Training, 2014.
Outstanding Faculty Award: Zayed University, 2013.
Secondment Expert Consultant: UAE Ministry of Presidential Affairs, 2010.
Outstanding Teaching Award: Zayed University, 2009.
Outstanding Teaching Award: Zayed University, 2005.
Winner of student teaching and development award: Middle Tennessee State University in 1995.
Current and Past Professional Designations & Memberships
Chartered Accountant (CA), Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA). August 2018. Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Alberta, Canada.
Chartered Accountant (CA), Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA). August 2016. Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of New Brunswick, Canada.
Certified Islamic Public Accountant (CIPA). June 2007. Member of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions, Bahrain.
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA). June 2003. Member of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association, USA.
Chartered Accountant (CA), Chartered Professional Accountants (CPA). August 1999. Institute of Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario, Canada.
Certified Internal Auditor (CIA). May 1995. Member in the Institute of Internal Auditors, USA.
Certified Public Accountant (CPA). (Illinois). May 1992. Member in the American Institute of Certified Public Accountant, USA.Teaching Experience
Teaching Experience
Graduate courses
Accounting I
Accounting for Decision Making
Financial Statement Analysis and Business Ethics
Finance: Portfolio Management
Undergraduate courses
Accounting for managers 1
Intermediate Accounting 2
Micro & Macro
Introduction to Finance
Managerial Accounting
Intermediate Accounting I & II
Accounting Information Systems
Corporate Finance
Internship supervision
Other Teaching
CMA Preparatory Courses
CIA Accelerated Program
Sample Publications and Conference Presentations
- Tlemsani, I., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024, April). Strategy Development: The Case of GAMA Power Systems. Paper presented at the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBTCAMBRIDGE’2024), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Tlemsani, I., Mathews, R., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024, April). The Grand Narrative of Competitive Advantage and Toy Models. Paper presented at the International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBTCAMBRIDGE’2024), University of Cambridge, United Kingdom. EuroMid Academy of Business & Technology (EMABT), Istanbul, Turkey.
- Mohamed Hashim, M. A., Tlemsani, I., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024, August). Integrating Perceived Organizational Support with CMMI® for IT Outsourcing Success in the UAE. Paper presented at The 10th International Conference on Business and Technology (ICBTAMMAN'2024), School of Business, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. EuroMid Academy of Business and Technology, Turkey.
- Tlemsani, I., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024). Strategy Development: The Case of GAMA Power Systems. In A. Hamdan & U. Braendle (Eds.), Harnessing AI, Machine Learning, and IoT for Intelligent Business (pp. Chapter 35). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Tlemsani, I., Matthews, R., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024). The Grand Narrative of Competitive Advantage and Toy Models. In A. Hamdan & U. Braendle (Eds.), Harnessing AI, Machine Learning, and IoT for Intelligent Business (pp. Chapter 34). Springer Nature Switzerland.
- Tlemsani, I., Matthews, R., Mohamed Hashim, M. A., Khan, M. H., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024). Images of Organizational Evolution. Theoretical Economics Letters, 14(3), 1241-1266.
- Mohamed Hashim, M. A., Tlemsani, I., Matthews, R., & El-Temtamy, O. (2024). Organizational Support Strategy and Software Process Maturity: CMMI and IT-Offshoring in the UAE. Theoretical Economics Letters, 14, 1640-1668.
- Amin, R., El-Temtamy, O., Garas, S. (2022). "Audit Risk Evaluation Using Data Envelopment Analysis with Ordinal Data". Abacus. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/14676281
- Garas, S., El-Temtamy, O. (2020). "The "simultaneous cycle" between corporate social responsibility and firms' financial performance". International journal of disclosure and governance, Vol.17 (2-3), p. 39-50
- El-Temtamy, O., Majdalawieh, M., & Pumphrey, L. (2018). "Assessing IT Disaster Recovery Plans in the UAE". Just got accepted to be published as a book by Lambert Academic Publishing.
- K. Shahzad, T. Pouw. G. Rubbaniy, O. El-Temtamy (2017). "Audit Quality During the Global Financial Crisis: The Investors' Perspective". Journal: Research in International Business and Finance (Accepted July 2017)
- El-Temtamy, O., Majdalawieh, M., & Pumphrey, L. (2016). "Assessing IT Disaster Recovery Plans in the UAE". Journal of Information and Computer Security. Vol. 24 Iss 5 pp. 514 - 533
- Ghulame, R., Elena, J., El-Temtamy, O. "Calendar Anomalies: exist or fizzled out?" International Research Journal of Economics and Finance. Issue 141. October - Conference Special Issue 2015
- El-Temtamy, O and O'Neill, K., & Midraj, S. (2015) 'Undergraduate employability training and employment: A UAE study'. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning. Vol. 6 Iss: 1, pp.100 - 115.
- El-Temtamy, O. and Manar Abu Talib, Adel Khelifi, Fatima Ismaeel, Mahra Rashed, Najah Hasan, Summaya Khaled. (2012) 'Finding a Practical IT Solution - Open Source Accounting Software' Journal of Communication and Computer - David Publishing Company (JCC), vol. 9, no. 4.
- El-Temtamy, O. and Choudhry, M. (2009) 'Are GCC Financial Markets Weak-form Efficient? An Analysis Using Multiple Variance Ratio Test'. Journal of Knowledge Globalization. Vol. 2 Issue 1, p63- 78. 16p.
- El-Temtamy, O., Midraj, J. and Midraj, S., Abdellatif Sellami, Ahmad Owais. and Gary ONeill. (2007) 'Factors that Influence UAE Students: English Language Proficiency' Published as book chapter in "Research in ELT contexts", Midex Advertising and Publishing.
- El-Temtamy, O. and Abuzied, K. (2007) 'Do companies with high intellectual capital Levels exhibit certain financial characteristics? How can IC be accounted for in a firm's balance sheet?'. Published as a Research Book chapter in Knowledge Management Integrated: Concepts and Practice, Heidelberg Press.
- El-Temtamy, O., Eff, T. and Cribs, A. (2002) 'Bankruptcy Prediction: How good are Neural Networks', International Journal of Business and Economics, Vol. 2.
- El-Temtamy, O., Rubbaniy, G., & Khan, W. (2018). "Oil Price Plunge and Bank's Vulnerability: Evidence from Gulf." World Finance Conference this summer in Mauritius., Mauritius, July 27 th - 29 th , 2018.
- El-Temtamy, O., Rubbaniy, G., & Khan, W. (2016). "Oil Price Plunge and Bank's Vulnerability: Evidence from Gulf." Target outlet: Accounting and Finance. Multinational Finance Society, InterContinental Hotel, Bucharest, Romania, June 25-28, 2017
- Shahzad, K., Pouw, T., Rubbaniy, G., & El-Temtamy, O. (2015). Information content, auditors' trust and financial crisis: criticism lacks evidence. Global Conference on Business Management Studies, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
- Shahzad, K., Pouw, T., Rubbaniy, G., & El-Temtamy, O. (2015). Information content, auditors' trust and financial crisis: criticism lacks evidence. British Accounting and Finance Association, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Rubbaniy, G. & Khalid, A. A. & El-Temtamy, O. (2013). Remittances and financial development: evidence from developing countries. PSSP Competitive Grant Conference, Islamabad, Pakistan.
- El-Temtamy, O., Pumphry, K. (2010) 'Assessing IT business recovery plans in the UAE' presented at International Association of Management of Technology conference in Cairo, Egypt.
- "Using Financial Ratio Analysis to Compare Conventional Banks and Islamic Banks in the UAE" Presented at AAAA 2008 Conference University of Wollongong in Dubai, UAE.
- "Factors that Influence UAE Students' English Language Proficiency," presented at the 39th Annual TESOL Conference March 30 - April 2nd, 2005, San Antonio, Texas.
- "Do companies with high intellectual capital Levels exhibit certain financial characteristics? How can IC be accounted for in a firm's balance sheet?" presented at the International Journal of Business and Economics, Paris, France, summer 2003.
- Doctorate dissertation presented in Feb 1997 at the Academy of Economic Research conference. The paper examined and tested the usefulness of using financial ratios to predict corporate bankruptcy by using Logit and Neural Networks model.