Contact information


We are the Employee Wellness team. Please contact us at


Leigh Bodnar-Rollings | Employee Wellness Coordinator

Leigh provides support to the Employee Wellness team by coordinating and promoting Employee Wellness events and assisting with short term disability, long term disability and WCB claims.
P: 403.440.5122

Kaitlin Calla | Employee Wellness Advisor

Kaitlin supports employees at MRU by promoting various health initiatives on campus, sharing resources, and organizing wellness programming (Wellness Wednesdays). Kaitlin also facilitates and promotes various initiatives with our Employee and Family Assistance Program provider, Inkblot Therapy, to ensure employees have the support they need to maintain and improve health outcomes across the dimensions of wellness.
P: 403.440.8478

Janine Clouthier | Ability Management Advisor

Janine supports occupational health for all employees at MRU by providing assistance to employees who require a medical leave from work and/or incur an injury at work.  Janine also facilitiates the return to work process.  If you have any questions regarding short term disability, long term disability or WCB, please reach out to Janine.
P: 403.440.6790
C: 403.305.0037
F: 1.587.420.2989

Heidi Peterson | Manager, Employee Wellness

Heidi leads the Employee Wellness team and oversees complex accommodation requests. Heidi also provides support to leaders in navigating accommodation requirements, addressing employee health concerns that impact the workplace and fostering psycholgoical safety.
P: 403.440.8573
C: 403.542.7292
F: 1.587.420.2989