About Wellness Services

Wellness Services promotes individual and campus well-being by empowering the MRU community to create a place where people can learn, work, play, love and live well. We provide comprehensive services and programs to support campus members’ health.

Wellness Services is made up of 5 teams and areas of service.

Health Services Medical Clinic

Who has access: students, faculty and staff

What we do: provide health services through our team of physicians, psychiatrists and nurses

Meet our team or explore our services 

MRU Injury & Prevention Clinic

Who has access: students, faculty, staff, alumni and the general public

What we do: provide paramedical services through our team of chiropractors, physiotherapists, massage therapists and more

Explore our services and book an appointment

Student Counselling Services

Who has access: current students

What we do: provide one-on-one and group counselling for MRU students

Meet our team and book an appointment

Dating, Domestic and Sexual Violence Services

Who has access: students, faculty and staff

What we do: our Advocate is a confidential support for those who have been impacted by dating, domestic and sexual violence both recently and/or historically. 

Learn more

Healthy Campus Team

Who has access: students, faculty and staff (workshop dependent)

What we do: work with campus community members to help promote well-being from the individual to the environmental level. Using an evidence-based population health promotion approach we identify health issues and strategically engage in programming, education, advocacy, capacity building and policy initiatives.

Meet our team

Health Promotion Initiatives

A critical aspect of the work we do involves gathering information from students in order to inform our health promotion initiatives. We strive to be responsive to the needs of our community and these surveys and consultations allow us to learn about the concerns and subjects that are impacting students.

Presentation and data requests

The Healthy Campus Team is available to give presentations to Mount Royal classes on a variety of student health and mental health topics. Data from the Canadian Campus Wellbeing Survey (CCWS) is used to inform these presentations. Please fill out this form to request a presentation or contact Wellness Services at wellness@mtroyal.ca to find out more.

Interview requests

Looking to conduct an interview or content for a media release? Students and MRU employees can submit our interview and media request form to help ensure that your request is paired with the right unit and individual.