
Career Resource Research Centre

Whether researching a career, writing resumes or preparing for interviews, we know you'll find loads of helpful books, magazines, tip sheets, exercises, articles, and electronic tools at your fingertips in our resource centre.

Located in A200 Kerby Hall, our wireless site also provides on-site computers that allow you to write resumes, cover letters and develop portfolios while you research. A photocopier and fax provide additional convenience for your career exploration and job search needs. Check us out! Open Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (summer hours 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. in effect from July 1 to mid-August).

Career-related software

Career Cruising

Trying to find information on the roles, responsibilities, career paths and realities of job demands in particular occupations in today's world of work? This restricted access to Canadian resource can assist with your school-to-career-related work transition. Career Cruising offers you realistic Canadian information and personal perspectives of people in the occupation of your choice through:

  • Identifying possible career paths, complete with related tasks, typical duration and salary ranges at each stage as well as what "a day in the life of a"... really looks like for someone in your field.
  • Interviews with real Canadians in the career-related jobs you are considering including their likes, dislikes, and advice.
  • Job descriptions for careers that interest you, industry related alternatives and related entry points, and jobs you may not have thought of. Trying to narrow or expand your choices? Explore career alternatives that connect with your responses.

Access is available to all undergraduate students and graduates of Mount Royal credit programs. To obtain an access card and a personal orientation to the many ways to use this software, simply contact Career Services and supply us with your name, student number and program/faculty and area of study.

As part of our Career Research Resource Centre, Career Services offers wireless access plus three Internet-accessible computers available for career exploration research and developing job search materials such as resumes, cover letters and portfolio components,employment proposals and thank you letters. Login access is the same as all student labs across campus, including printing from your account at standard cost.
A fax machine is available for students that need to send career or employment-related documentation as part of their job search. Local calls only.

Visit our online resource centre for more tools and tips, including access to job banks, job search tools, and strategies to succeed on the job.