Our Team

Residence Activities Council

The Residence Activities Council (RAC) is a student-lead organization that is committed to creating programming inclusive to all students living in Residence. It starts quickly in the first semester, so keep an eye out for posters about how to get involved.

RAC is an excellent training ground for future student leaders, and it offers residents of all pursuits an unparalleled opportunity to discover all of what the Residence experience has to offer.

How to get involved

RAC offers wide-ranging opportunities that allows you to choose your own adventure! You can start by:

  • Keeping an eye out for RAC events and posters during Welcome Week - the first week of September
  • Asking your RA (Resident Advisor)
  • Attending a RAC info session during Welcome Week
  • Applying for an executive position or volunteer as a student representative for your community
  • Contact us with ideas or ask about opportunities

To learn more please see our Information PDF.

To participate in RAC register here

You choose your involvement.

What are the benefits of being involved?
  • Meet new and like-minded people, including students from other schools and organizations.
  • Hone your leadership skills.
  • Know about and be a part of what's happening in your community and on your campus.
  • Make lifelong friends.
  • Challenge yourself.
  • Boost your resume and establish important references.
  • Build great experience for scholarships and bursaries.
  • Be a mentor and role-model to students in your community.
  • Discover, expand and fulfill your passions.
  • See your input make a difference in your community.

Contact Us

RAC representatives can be reached at rac@mtroyal.ca.

For more information, ask your RA or visit the Residence Services Office in West Residence Building B.