The Department of Education's Commitment to Action on Systematic Racism
Recent events have called to attention the impact of oppression, injustice and inequities on Black communities.
The Faculty of Health, Community and Education’s strategic plan 2019–24 is based on Ani to pisi — the spider web (Blackfoot). One of our goals is promoting a healthy community with an intention to support diversity and inclusion of all people, including Black, Indigenous, People of Colour, LGBTQIA+ communities and all those suffering at the hands of systemic racism. As leaders of HCE, we acknowledge that we have not done enough and we are committed to working with the HCE community to do more. We turned to our Espoom Tah Elder Roy Bear Chief to share his wisdom and perspective on what’s happening and our role in creating a world that respects all.
Stephen Price
Dean, Faculty of Health, Community and Education
Elizabeth Van Den Kerkhof
Director, School of Nursing and Midwifery
I am the Espoom tah or Helper for the Faculty of Health, Community and Education. I would like to include my thoughts on Black Lives Matter through my Blackfoot worldview and lenses.
According to the Blackfoot creation story of Ani to pisi which is the “spider web”, vibrations within the web indicates that there is a problem and we must attend to the vibration as it is our duty to go and help. A major vibration has occurred and it has brought global attention to the vibration. People have responded in droves. But after the dust settles, how do we sustain the momentum and harness the energy generated from all this response? How do we go from misunderstood to understood to understand and continue to push forward in addressing racism as well as colonialism. One is embedded in the other. A major global challenge that should have been undertaken years and years ago. Never too late. If we look at each other as being one and leaving out the colour of our skins will certainly lead to the belief that we are all related even with the plants, animals, and our environment as a whole.
Leroy Little Bear’s words sums it up best:
If everything is animate.
Then everything has spirit and knowledge.
If everything has spirit and knowledge.
Then all are like me.
If all are like me.
Then all are my relations.
Iika nai kso ko watsi yopa, in other words, “we are all related”. Let us not forget that. Thank you and God bless.
Espoom Tah Elder Roy Bear Chief
Welcome to the Department of Education
Mount Royal University's Bachelor of Education — Elementary (B.Ed) is unique in Alberta for providing students with direct entry into the four-year degree program. This means you don't need a degree or prior post-secondary coursework to be considered for the program. And, starting in your first year of study, you will gain extensive hands-on experience in elementary school classrooms — an experience that continues during each year of the program.
The Bachelor of Education — Elementary is taught by a committed group of full-time and part-time faculty. All full-time faculty members hold PhDs, and have extensive K–12 teaching experience.
Inspiring educational leaders through reflective engagement.
Ethical and Reflective Dialogue
We value reflective practice for developing ethical responsibility to learners, colleagues, and community. We work to expose injustice so that teacher candidates can cultivate social consciousness and contribute to a more ethical society.
Innovation and Engagement
Recognizing that lifelong learning emerges from genuine student engagement, we value the creation of dynamic learning environments that address real world questions and promote inquiry. We value innovative teaching practices that push beyond the ordinary, including digital, arts-based, and experiential learning.
Community and Relationships
We recognize that place and space are integral to building strong community relationships. We value connections with the community that foster leadership opportunities for our teacher candidates.
Bachelor of Education — Elementary (B.Ed.)
Mount Royal University's collaborative and challenging educational environment features innovative teaching practices that push beyond the ordinary, including digital, arts-based and experiential learning. Our students and graduates value reflective engagement and are committed to creating strong community relationships.
Our dedicated students and graduates are:
innovative and responsive teachers with courses in assessment, inclusive education and all areas of the core curriculum
informed and thoughtful educators with capacity for theory-practise integration
prepared to lead the development of STEAM learning experiences and other cross-curricular integration
becoming knowledgeable in Indigenous ways of life, including some placements in Indigenous schools
enriched through a wide array of learning experiences with our community partnerships
Featured Links
As part of their weekly field experience in schools, Mount Royal University teacher candidates in year 2 participate in one-to-one literacy tutoring.
Check out our tutoring framework here:

Tim Horton Children's Ranch
Alternative Practicum settings

Ann and Sandy Cross
Place-based experiential education

The Association of Canadian Deans of Education (ACDE) is an association of Deans, Directors, or Chairs of Canadian Faculties, Schools, Colleges, or Departments of Education. Its mission is to foster professional and teacher education, engage in educational research and participate in educational policy development. There are currently sixty-four members in ACDE.
Visit this link for more information about ACDE and it's an accord on teacher education summary.