Teaching & Learning

HCE - Teaching and Learning

updated_image_GayeWelcome to the Faculty of Health, Community and Education at Mount Royal University. Mount Royal is located in the traditional territories of the Niitsitapi (Blackfoot) and the people of the Treaty 7 region in Southern Alberta. We acknowledge that this territory is home to the Métis Nation of Alberta, Region 3. We are all treaty people.

In our Faculty, teaching and learning are our priority. Students can expect to work with faculty with research and practice expertise and a passion for teaching. We work closely with community partners to develop high impact learning experiences that will help to inform your professional education and inspire lifelong learning.

As Vice Dean, I have the opportunity to develop programs and curriculum that ensure students have relevant educational experiences to prepare them to meet professional requirements and excel in their chosen professions. I continue to be amazed by the breadth and depth of opportunity offered by our programs and at Mount Royal.

At Mount Royal, we believe learning happens beyond the classroom and participation in the campus community enhances your educational experience. Students are involved in informing and shaping curriculum through the Faculty Curriculum Review Committee, Faculty Council and General Faculties Council. Interested students can contact their academic advisors or program coordinator for more information on these committees.

Our Faculty is comprised of the following programs:

Examples of our unique approach to teaching and learning

360 Nursing Immersion Class Nursing students learn using 360-degree simulation
HPED Experiential Learning in Peru A life-changing experience is documented in Peru
HCE Child Development Lab Child Development Lab
Relationship Violence Prevention and Research Centre Relationship Violence Prevention and Research Centre